Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Mount Catur Trekking - Bali Tour

Catur Mountain is in Bedugul area. Besides known as Puncak Mangu, this mountain is also known as Mount Catur. The view from the top of this mountain is very beautiful because it is surrounded by
Lake Beratan and Lake Buyan. From the top of this mountain you can also see almost all the mountains in Bali because the location of this mountain is in the middle of the mountainous circle on the Island of the Gods. This mountain has a height of 2096 mdpl. At the top, there is a temple of Pura Pucak Mangu. While climbing this mountain you will probably meet with Hindus who want to worship in the temple. There are two paths to climb this mountain through Bedugul and Petang.

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