Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Mount Agung Trekking - Bali Tour

Adventure tours climb Mount Agung in Bali in addition to because you are a nature lover, also must have the condition of the body and excellent health. This tallest mountain in Bali has a high altitude of ± 3,044 meters above sea level, its initial height is 3,142 meters but due to a terrible eruption its height is decreasing, this is the highest summit, so you can point the 360 ​​degree view, purely at the top, while if you climb Mount Supreme just to the top 2 only, then the ascent to reach only 2,000 meters.

You who have the ability to climb, can choose the climb to the top 1 or only on top 2 only. Climbing the mountain will provide a special experience throughout the holidays. climbing Mount Agung is not only attracted by foreign tourists, but also domestic tourists, often make the climb here, as the demand from domestic tourists, we provide information and services to feel and enjoy the beautiful island of Bali from this highest peak.

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